Thursday, January 10, 2008

Learn while you earn concept

I don't know about you, but I don't like wasting my time. We only get so much of it in a lifetime.

I like doing two different things at the same time, like when I was out driving I liked listening to educational audio program, or audio books, and occational music. I think we think differently when we are driving, specially when you have been out there for long periods of time. Imagine listening to a self help audio book and actually listening to every words it's saying. You will begin to understand it better, and clearly; because you're drivng at 65MPH while thinking, and your thought are moving. You leave the thought you just had and you move on. You do this for a while and its like you're thinking lightspeed.

You might be saying is he paying attention to the road while he's doing this?

Yes my first priority when I'm out driving is safety, specially on a big rig, because once you become a commercial driver, you have to be the best driver out there. The training to become a driver takes a long time to master, but if you do things on a daily basis, it becomes second nature to you.

This is probably why drivers become inventors. They can take a concept and by thinking of different ways to modify or improve it over and over you eventually find a solution.

My concept for the self re-charging car was my first thought about innovation, which inspired me to learn every little thing I can learn about inventing. The patent laws, the process of licensing your idea, manufacturing, and marketing.

Safety First!

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