Sunday, January 6, 2008

Famous Drivers

I was surfing the net earlier today about celebrities who drove trucks before they became famous, and found some interesting facts. I found out that famous pilot such as Amelia Earhart the first female to fly solo across the Atlantic, worked several jobs including driving a truck to pay for her flight school and to save enough money to buy her first airplane.

Other famous drivers include Elvis Presley, Sean Connery, Liam Neeson, Richard Prior, Charles Bronson, Long Distance Clara, Chevy Chase to name a few. I can only try to achieve what these icons accomplished during their lifetime. It doesn't hurt to dream of possibilities sometimes. It is what keeps me going forward towards my lifetime goals such as someday own a patent, a copyright, a trademark, and a company I can call my own.

Keep it safe out there!

Safety First!

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