Friday, December 28, 2007

How to become a safe driver

The thing I do to become a safe driver, is I set higher goals. I set goals for myself that I want to achieve related to what I'm presently doing.

For driving I visualize myself as a commercial pilot, and qualification I need to get those types of jobs.

Think about it if you were an employer of a major Airline or a commercial driving company, would you hire someone who has a bad driving record, or even a bad flight record? "I sure wouldn't" I would tell him to take a defensive driving course, or for a pilot a flight safety course.

I would make up a mindset, that if I get into an accident, I would lose my opportunity to become something better. I would scare myself not to the extent that you panic, but just enough to make you a safer, more reliable, alert, and a more accountable driver. Before you know it, you would have achieved something you never thought you could have because you were trying to be better than what you are currently.

Safety First

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