Saturday, January 19, 2008

Section 11: Basic Vehicle Control Skills Test

Section 11: Basic Vehicle Control Skills Test

This section covers.
* Skills test exercises.
* Skills test scoring.

Note: Wisconsin uses the straight line and curved path (alley dock.) backing maneuvers.

* Forward stop.
* Straight line back
* Alley doc
* Parallel park (driver side).
* Right turn.
* Backward serpentine.



The examiner will scored the number of times you touch or cross over a boundary line with any portion of your vehicle. Each encroachment will count as an error.


In some of the exercises, the examiner will also scored a number of times you stop and change direction or pull-up during the exercise. You will be given instructions prior to the beginning of each exercise.



You may be asked to drive forward between two rows of cones and bring your vehicle to a complete stop as close as he can to the exercise boundaries, marked by an and nine or set of cones (without going beyond the lines or cones).
(See Figure 11-1)


You may be asked to back your vehicle in a straight line between two rows of cones without touching or crossing over to exercise boundaries. (See Figure 11-2)


You may be asked to sight-side back your vehicle into an alley, bringing the rear of your vehicle as close as possible to the rear of the alley without going beyond exercise boundary marked by a line or role of cones. (See Figure 11-3)


You may be asked to park in a parallel parking space that is on your left. You are to drive past parking space and back into it during the rear of your vehicle as close as possible to the rear of the space without crossing side or rear boundaries marked by cones. You're too tried to get the vehicle (or trailer, a combination vehicle). Completely into the space. (See Figure 11 - 4.).


You may be asked to part\k in a parallel parking space that is on your right. You should drive past the parking space and back into it bringing the rear of your vehicle as close as possible to the rear of the space without crossing side or rear boundaries marked by cones. You are to try to get your vehicle (or trailer, if combination vehicle) completely into the space. (See Figure 11-5.).


You may be asked to drive forward and make the right turn around a cone. You should try to bring the right rear wheel(s) of your vehicle as close to the base of the: as possible without hitting it. (See Figure 11-6.)

Backward Serpentine

Maybe asked to back your vehicle through a 3-cone serpentine without touching any cones are crossing over the exercise (side) boundaries marked by cones. (See Figure 11-7).

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