Saturday, December 22, 2007

Who Knew Driving Semi Trucks Can Make You Think Like an Inventor

I guess spending weeks over the road can make you imagine possibilities, and solutions to problems we as citizens of planet Earth make like the deterioration of the ozone layers.
While I was out driving viewing different scenery, beautiful cities, driving through breath taking mountains all throughout North America.
I couldn't help myself from thinking of different solutions to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels.
I thought about it over and over again, until I came up with a theory. The wheels on vehicles spin, and an electrical generator produce energy while spinning. Why not somehow incorporate a generator to harness the energy spinning wheels produce while in motion and re-charge an electric car "A Self Re-Charging Electric Car" Imagine that?
It actually took me several years to find the answer to my own question, which is ask.
Ask an expert!
Put your work, your soul, your goal out in public where people can see your achievements, your goals, your dreams, and eventually you will find the solution to your questions. It will somehow maybe "magically" appear, and it will hit you like a ton of bricks.
I really can't explain it, but proclaiming your goals will make you take actions.
I eventually got the courage to ask a local mechanical engineer professor to look at my theory and explain how, and why my theory work. I found that my theory was good, but our current electric cars does not have enough power to move a car from a complete stop and power the generator at the same time, but a similar technology is currently in use on some of the new hybrid cars using the braking system to generate power and re-charge the car.
I guess my point is seek and you will find.

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