Monday, December 24, 2007

Inventing is complicated, but doable!

Besides driving I never actually thought about becoming an engineer or an innovator at all, but driving changed my way of thinking.

Have you ever wondered what truck driver's really do while they are out there on the road? I know everybody is different in one way or another. Some driver might be out there because they have to support a family, some might be out there because they love the ever changing scenery, some might be out there because it is what they want to do, and they are good at it, some might be making lots of moola, but I did it because I lacked the qualification needed to become a commercial pilot ("commercial anything"), and commercial driving was the next best thing.

Commercial driving wasn't what I thought it would be like. I had no clue what they did, and what they really do. I just thought "humm" wouldn't it be nice to be in control of the biggest thing on the road, and be in charge of a 40 ton machine "Road King". It's not as easy as they make it look. It takes lots of practice and complete concentration to handle one of those babies, but enjoyable once you get the hang of it.

Non-commercial driver's doesn't really know this, but there is freedom out there. Once you get to the pretty parts of the country you will be wooed by how peaceful our Country really is compared to third world countries. Believe me I lived in some of them, but I was lucky enough to be born in an upper class society. Imagine living in the only house in your town left un-annihilated and used as a base by Japanese soldiers during WWII. Some might call it haunted, but it is!! :)

Anyways back to my point.

I was looking for information about inventions and found this really cool blog, by Tim Ferris Author of "The Four Hour Work Week". Tim Ferris interviewed Stephen Key advisor to the American Inventor you should check it out if you're into inventing. "A beginner's Guide to How to Rent Your Ideas to Fortune 500 Companies (Plus: Video)"

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